Skill Kit Revisit: Part 2

In this second episode revisiting our “Skill-Kit” series for listeners as we come out the pandemic, we look at the area of ideas generation and experimentation. How is innovation best done, maximising creativity, and is this an area where collaborating with others should be a key goal? Also, where are the boundaries between ‘creativity’ and ‘risk’, and how could we think about those two aspects? All three episodes will provide our ideas, perspectives, and some practical approaches to try.

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We are all told to collaborate and be good at team work, but what does it actually mean? To launch our mini-series looking at different skills, Nigel and Simon from the ReImagine Law team discuss the practical realities of collaboration.

This episode discusses how to develop your creative mind-set in ways you might not have considered. Nigel and Kerry discuss the fact that creativity includes; having an open mind, experimenting and thinking ‘what if we did X’. They give practical ways to increase creativity as you work towards a wider goal. See how far you can go with a creative mind-set, and be persistent, continuing to explore – perhaps part of the original idea will stick and become a great new way of doing things!



In an ever-increasingly competitive legal services landscape, creativity is fast becoming an essential skill for lawyers.
This episode discusses how to develop your creative mind-set in ways you might not have considered. Nigel and Kerry discuss the fact that creativity includes; having an open mind, experimenting and thinking ‘what if we did X’. They give practical ways to increase creativity as you work towards a wider goal. See how far you can go with a creative mind-set, and be persistent, continuing to explore – perhaps part of the original idea will stick and become a great new way of doing things!

Innovation & Risk Taking

Transformative change can come in many small and incremental ways, and is ideally led by the user experience. In this episode Fran and Nigel discuss what innovation and risk-taking really is, and how it can be developed and articulated.

We often think of innovation and risk-taking as being linked to big, stressful ‘eureka’ moments. The truth is that change can be quite small, simple and uncomplicated. Innovating is about connecting with the person you are trying to communicate with, or the person who might use your product or service. How does this link with the principles of delivering legal services? In this episode Fran and Nigel explore these issues, starting with the question: ‘If you could change one thing about the way we work together, what would it be?’ There are also practical examples to help listeners identify their own innovation and how they might present it.



Skill Kit Revisit: Part 3


Skill Kit Revisit: Part 1