Application Advice: Strength Based Interviews

Strength based interviews explore what naturally energises and interests you. They are based on positive psychology. The premise is that by identifying your strengths and matching them to the role you'll be happier in your work, more motivated and therefore perform better, learn quicker and stay with the organisation for longer. This episode explores how to navigate strengths based interviews, what they are and how to succeed in them!

Here is the link to the episode on Apple:

Here is the link to the episode on Spotify:

Show Notes:

Unlike competency based interviews (see other podcast for this), strengths based interviews are more about who you are and your natural strengths rather than asking you to draw on past experiences to showcase skills. They allow recruiters to gain a genuine insight into the personalities of candidates and to see whether they'd be a good fit for the role applied to. They also allow you, as the interviewee, to be selected on the basis of what you are best at being a good fit for what is required in the role.In this episode, Kerry and Simon explore the types of questions you might be asked, how to spot a strengths based interview and how to be successful in answering the questions. They also consider what the less commonly used ‘values based interview’ is and how to spot it!

Useful Resources:


Application Advice: Telephone & Video Interviews


Application Advice: Competency Based Interviews