A Spotlight on Judicial Roles from Judge Tan Ikra‪m‬

The ReImagine Law team are joined by Judge Tan Ikram, the Deputy Senior District Judge and the Deputy Lead Judge for Diversity and Community Relations. He gives a valuable insight into the role of a Judge and why students should be considering this career path at an early stage.


Show notes

How much do you really know about what judicial roles exist? What areas of life and law do they cover? This episodes gives an overview of the judiciary and spends time considering the value and importance of a diverse judiciary in society. Judge Ikram shares an insight into his own background and how he doesn't think he looks like a judge!

This episode encourages listeners to undertake some practical actions after listening to the episode.

Judge Ikram emphasised the importance in his role of understanding different perspectives across society. So to develop your own career successfully, consider: “How broad are my networks and sources of information? And who could help me to connect with other perspectives, so I see issues from other angles?”

Take some time to sit in the public gallery of your local court. Absorb the atmosphere, the staff, the judges. Did anything surprise you?

Useful resources:

Read about Judge Tan Ikrams career and background at the Judicial Appointments Commission and The Law Society.

At the time of recording these were the latest statistics on judicial diversity.

Read about the different types of judicial roles that exist on the Courts and Tribunals Judiciary website.


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